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We've been hearing whispers about this for a while now - but it has been confirmed, China is set to expand its property tax pilot program to more cities this year.

The taxes were rolled out in Shanghai and Chongqing last year, in an effort to rein in property prices, bring down asset bubbles and create a steady revenue stream for local governments.

In many western countries, holding a property is taxed based on a fixed proportion of the property’s market value. But here in China, industry insiders say, there is currently no tax on holding a property.

Chris Hu, vice president of B.A. & 5I5J Group, said, "China barely has any personal property tax now, most taxes are taken from income and transactions such as income tax when you receive your salary, and stamp duty when you are buying a house. But in assets holding, there is 0 tax on properties. "
伟业我爱我家集团副总裁Chris Ju称:“中国现在几乎没有征收任何个人房产税,大多数税收来自收入和交易,例如你领到工资时交的收入税以及你买房子时交的印花税。但是,在资产持有方面,房产是零税收的。

Property tax has only been introduced into two cities in China. Now that the country is talking about enlarging the testing areas for this tax, experts say this will not only curb China’s property market, but also help the struggling local treasuries.

Chris Hu said, "The supply of properties for sale and for rental in the secondary market will increase. This will bring down property prices and rental costs. "
Chris Hu称:“二手市场上待售、待租房产的供应将会增加。这将降低房价和租赁费用。”

However, other experts have the opposite view.

Prof. Liu Baocheng, University of Int’l Business & Economics, said, "It’s definitely going up, because in terms of economics that’s a definite additional cost into the entire value chain of the property market. So smart business people, either developers or home managers they will be able to create a mechanism to transfer this cost to end buyers or end home renters. "
对外经济贸易大学教授Liu Baocheng表示:“价格一定会上涨,因为从经济学角度来看,这是给房产市场的整条价值链增加了一定的费用。所以,开发商或房屋管理人这些聪明的生意人,他们都能创造一种机制来转移这个费用,阻止买家或者房屋租赁者。”

On the positive side, Mr Hu says property tax can become an alternative income source, especially for big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

Chris Hu said, "Beijing’s land sale income last year was 102.4 million yuan, a rough estimation of property tax on approximately 6 million houses in stock will be over 100 million yuan in 3 to 5 years’ time. This means property tax can be an alternative local financing to replace land sale, as there is limited land for sale. "
Chris Hu表示:“去年,北京的土地销售收入是1.024亿元,粗略计算,3到5年时间里,现存的近600万套房子的房产税将超过1亿元。这意味着房产税可以代替土地销售,成为另一种地方财政收入,因为出售的土地是有限的。

However Professor Liu warns there are many challenges in rolling out this tax reform. Double charging is one of them.

Chris Hu said, "A number of questions have been raised about the legitimacy of the double taxation, because people already paid for this tax when they bought the house, for the 70-year-property usage right." "Before we are very sure about the positive results, I would advise to stay cautious."
Chris Hu称:“出现了一些关于双重课税合法性的问题,因为人们买房的时候已经支付了这部分税收,获得70年的房产使用权。”“在我们非常肯定积极结果之前,我建议保持谨慎。”

Experts also say transparency is essential in this tax reform, and it is inevitable that many grey areas and corruptions would be exposed as the tax reform continues.