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US president Barack Obama hit the campaign trail in Florida on Tuesday, where he offered his reasons for supporting a new method of taxing America's wealthy. It's called the "Buffett Rule" named for billionaire investor Warren Buffett. CCTV'S Jessica Stone covers the White House for us.

President Barack Obama in Florida Tuesday, pitching the 'Buffett Rule', a proposal to increase taxes on the wealthy.

Barack Obama said, "The folks that are benefiting from this are paying taxes at one of the lowest rates in 50 years. You might have heard this, but Warren Buffett is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary."

Obama even invited Warren Buffett's secretary to his state of the union address, underscoring what he calls fair taxation as a budget priority.

So what is it a plan that allow millionaires to pay nothing less than 30 percent of their income in taxes, .right now about a quarter of them face lower tax rates than millions of middle class Americans.

Obama said, "That's wrong. It isn't fair. And so we've got to choose which direction we want this country to go."

David Williams, taxpayer protection alliance, said, "Even if you raised the tax on millionaires up to 50%, it would only raise 200 million dollars in added revenue so you're really not even getting close to addressing the fiscal issues in this country."

David Williams of the taxpayer protection alliance says tax cuts in a recession can have a detrimental impact on the US economy.

David Williams said, "We're in a very frail recovery. the jobs numbers last week weren't as strong as some had hoped, so 24 let's not burden businesses anymore or the American families anymore by taking more of their taxes."

But it's a popular message of fairness to the American people still trying to believe a full economic recovery, which is why the Obama's chief rival for the presidency unveiled this ad at the same time, blaming the white house for about average employment in the state of Florida.

CCTV's Jessica Stone said, "The US senate is scheduled to vote on the Buffett Rule on April 16th. Senate republicans are dead-set against it, asked what they thought its chances of passage were, the white house says it is aware of the challenge."