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With the approaching May Day holiday, many Chinese are looking to leave crowded big cities. And some rural initiatives are offering a new destination for city dwellers to relax.

An escape from the hustle and bustle.... Now is the season in the countryside to sow seeds. Once the tools are in hand, the experience is refreshing.

The farmland has been divided into small plots and rented out. It’s the new hotspot for city dwellers to take a break from the crowds during the short vacation. Once a lawyer, the owner says tending a field is a great stress relief.

Yang Ting, Manager of Beijing D&F Agricultural Dev't Co., said,“Many white-collars living in the city see concrete all day long. Working in a rural yard and growing their own vegetables can take the pressure off.”

“The May Day holiday is too short; it is great to come here and spend time taking care of my plot. I get a sense of accomplishment from harvesting my own land.” Beijing resident said.

The owner also grows organic vegetables and fruits for visitors to drop in and pick themselves.

“See, I just picked a whole basket of radishes. It’s grown fertilizer-free, it’s tasty and I think much healthier than those bought from the supermarket.” One beijing resident said.

Besides the joys of reaping what you sow, a stay here is refreshing and relaxing. Stepping close to a nature rarely seen in the cities, it’s a worthy stop for the holidays.