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US President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney have plunged into the final two weeks of a close race for the White House. At rallies in Ohio and Nevada, they criticized the substance of each other’s campaigns.

Barack Obama, US President, said, "Now we joke about Governor Romney being all over the map, but it speaks to something important. It speaks of trust. There’s no more serious issue in a presidential campaign than trust. Trust matters. He is terrific at making presentations about stuff he thinks is wrong with America, but he sure can’t give you an answer about what would make it right. And that’s not leadership that you can trust. "

Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate, said, "The president, we’ve gone through four debates now, we’ve gone through four debates with the vice presidential debate and my debates, and we haven’t heard an agenda from the president. And that’s why his campaign is taking on water and our campaign is full speed ahead."

Data from the United States Elections Project at George Mason University show about 5 million voters have already cast ballots and about 35 million are expected to do so before Election Day.

While no votes will be counted until election day, the group said Democrats have cast more ballots than Republicans in the battleground states of North Carolina and Iowa by about 20 percentage points, while in Nevada, about 121,000 people have voted, 49 percent Democrats and 35 percent Republicans. Americans go to the polls to decide their president on November 6th.