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Chinese government is taking steps to support the connection of solar power to the national grid.

State Grid Corp, China’s largest state-owned utility, announced on Friday that solar power plants with less than 6 mega watts can be linked up to the grid. The move will further open up the domestic market for solar power.

A silver lining for China’s troubled solar industry. Facing potentially high tariffs in crucial export markets such as the U.S. and EU, the Chinese government is now taking action to boost opportunities in the domestic market.

China’s State Grid on Friday said it will make access easier for solar power to be connected to the national grid...but each solar power uplink should be less than 10,000 volts, and 6 mega watts.

Zhang Zhengling, Spokesman of State Grid Corp., said, "The move will lower the cost for distributed solar power. The grid will not charge any fees for connecting into solar power. And the infrastructure will be invested by the grid company. The State Grid will offer an one-off service, simplifying the process. The procedure will not exceed 45 working days."

The move is part of China’s recent efforts to expand the domestic market of its solar industry. Policies include encouraging local governments to develop solar power plants, providing subsidies on distributed solar power, and making clean energy more affordable.