您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 莫言在诺贝尔宴会发表讲话 2012-12-11来源:CCTV9 The annual Nobel Banquet has finished in Stockholm City Hall’s Golden Hall, attended by some 1,500 guests. The King of Sweden Carl the 16th Gustaf, toasted the 2012 Nobel Prize Laureates and to Alfred Nobel, the founder of the prize. Chinese author, Mo Yan, winner of the literature prize, delivered a speech. Mo Yan, 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, said, "I am also well aware that literature only has a minimal influence on political disputes or economic crisis in the world, but its significance to human beings is ancient. When literature exists, perhaps we do not notice how important it is, but when it does not exist, our lives become coarsened and brutal. For this reason, I am proud of my profession, but also aware of its importance." 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 中国版“纳斯达克”的希望消失 下一篇 中国经济仍在温和复苏的轨道上 相关文章 罗塞芙发表自辩声明欧洲杯:贝尔3战3球奥巴马访问古巴发表演讲屠呦呦个人资料在诺贝尔博物馆展出加州枪击案后奥巴马发表演讲习大大在越南国会发表重要演讲中国强烈敦促G7停止发表不负责任的言论默克尔发表演讲促日本正视二战历史普京今日发表国情咨文德国总理默克尔在清华大学发表演讲