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Following the horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, US President Barack Obama promised to do everything within his power to tackle gun violence. Now people all across the United States are debating the contentious issue of gun control.

In Washington, White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, fielded an array of questions over what President Barack Obama intends to do about gun control.

He says the president remains committed to addressing the issue, but understands that any solution will require a broad effort.

Jay Carney said, "It is a complex problem that will require a complex solution. No single piece of legislation, no single action will fully address the problem."

Several lawmakers have called for ways to curb sales of military-style assault weapons like the one used in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.

In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged the Obama Administration to take immediate action to address gun violence.

He says both the president and Congress need to put the issue at the top of their agenda.

Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor, said, "Gun violence is a national epidemic and a national tragedy that demands more than words. We are the only industrialized country that has this problem - in the whole world the only one - and that is why we need immediate national action from the President and from Congress. It should be at the top of their agenda, because what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School was sadly no aberration."

The Newtown massacre has revived a contentious debate over gun control.

The pressure for reform seems to be mounting.

A stream of Democrats in Congress have called for stronger gun controls.

Even West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, known for his support of the firearms lobby, said it was time to move beyond the rhetoric on the issue of guns.

Pro-gun control demonstrators have taken to the streets in front of the National Rifle Association’s headquarters, chanting "shame on the NRA."

The NRA is usually at the forefront of efforts to combat stricter gun laws. They say the Second Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees Americans the right to own weapons.