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Xi Jinping has been formally elected as the new President of the People’s Republic of China. He also assumes the role of Chairman of the PRC Central Military Commission in addition to being the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Xi Jinping was the top leader elected at the 4th plenary meeting of the 12th NPC’s first annual session in Beijing. Li Yuanchao was elected as China’s Vice President. Zhang Dejiang was elected as the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th NPC. The post of the 12th NPC Standing Committee's Secretary-General went to Wang Chen.

13 members have been elected as Vice-Chairpersons. NPC deputies have also approved the draft resolution of the plan for institutional restructuring and functional transformation of the State Council. According to the plan, the number of ministries under the State Council will be reduced from 27 to 25 while several departments and agencies will be reorganized.