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Today a growing number of Chinese are relying on air purifiers in their homes and offices as the country battles serious air pollution problems. CCTV reporter Neela Eyunni looks at what the government is now doing to make sure consumers are getting what they pay for.

They are one of China’s most in demand products. But air purifiers haven’t always lived up to their name, with quality concerns plaguing the industry. Now, however, the government is taking action by creating a national quality standard for air purifiers in an attempt to clean up the market.

It’s a move that has Beijing consumers breathing a sigh of relief.

A Beijing shopper said, "With the new standards I will be able to see detailed information about what I’m buying and can get exactly what I need."

Prior to the new standards, consumers were left guessing about the effectiveness of many air purifiers on the market.

A Beijing shopper said, "Before it was impossible to know about the quality of what you were buying. I would look up air purifiers on their manufacturer’s website, but even that wasn’t helpful."

CCTV reporter Neela Eyunni said, "Now all air purifiers will be rated based on a number of factors including their ability to filter PM2.5. Those are the particles that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter and pose the biggest health risks."

Air purifiers will also come with information about what size area they are meant for. While the move is drawing support from consumers, it’s also being welcomed by retailers as well.

Qiao Yuying, retailer of Dazhong Electronics in Beijing, said, "Consumers will have more information about air purifiers and how to use them, which I think could help boost sales."

The quality issue over air purifiers has become increasingly important recently amid China’s air pollution problems. Beijing’s pollution has been the worst on record in recent months, which has sent air purifier sales soaring.

So while solving the country’s pollution problems will take time, consumers now will have the assurance that they can find fresh air in Beijing even on a smoggy day.