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China's research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong, or Snow Dragon" has entered an area of clear water, after more than ten hours spent breaking through the Antarctic ice. The vessel had been trapped in the area since Friday. Last Thursday, its helicopter evacuated all 52 passengers from the stranded Russian ship Akademik Shokalskiy to the Australian icebreaker Aurora Australis. The Russian ship has also released itself from the ice.

Breaking away.

After being stuck in packed ice in Antarctica for five days, Xuelong finally released itself. From early Tuesday morning, Xuelong enforced a highest-level emergency state, closely monitoring the movements of surrounding floes and icebergs and standing ready to break through.

It was not an easy job, as the ship was stuck at an area with sea ice of up to four meters thick. It’s only designed to break ice 1.1 meters thick.

But it has been making preparations by revving up its engine and increasing an "ice-breaking passage" by sailing back and forth over a kilometer.

The chance came when a warm wet air current from the north-west loosened the floes packed around the vessel, providing an 80-meter stretch of clear water.

It took three hours for the 167-meter vessel to get just 200 meters. But after more than 13 hours, the crew and ship were free.

Meanwhile, Xuelong is again collecting geological condition data and will continue its planned scientific research before returning to China.