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South Korea is widely known for its pop culture, particularly K-pop singers such as international sensation PSY. But food is also an important part of the country's culture, and is luring more and more foodies from around the world.

South Korea’s cuisine is mostly healthy, has great variety and is renowned for being spicy.

Kimchi (pickled cabbage) is the national dish, and is vital to any meal in the country. There are many different kinds of kimchi, but the most common version is made with napa cabbage that is preserved and lightly fermented in bright red chili flakes. It lasts for months and is also used as the base for many other dishes such as kimchi stew.

Another famous Korean specialty is Bulgogi, or barbecued meat. While it is normally made from beef, it can also be made with thin strips of pork or chicken. Before the meat is grilled, it is marinated in sweet soy sauce with lots of garlic and sesame oil.

Hotpot Mixed Rice is also a popular traditional dish in South Korea. Famous and widely available, it is like fried rice, but instead of being fried it is mixed up like a salad. The dish consists of rice on the bottom, a few different kinds of sauteed vegetables, an egg, and toasted seaweed flakes and sesame seeds on top.

Food is an essential part of South Korean life, and traditional dishes are a source of great national pride, as they are distinct from other countries. Whether eating in restaurants or from street vendors, you can always find some authentic local specialties in South Korea.