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At the China Development Forum, the country's commerce minister -- Gao Hucheng -- brushed aside concerns that foreign investors are fleeing China.

Gao says that to the contrary, China's foreign direct investment in 2014 rose year-on-year while the global trend was downward. Gao says that while foreign investment has contributed much to China's reform and opening up efforts, it has also reaped handsome returns.

"Some people think China's investment environment is not as friendly as it used to be and that the country is hoping to help its state-owned enterprises more. Some others believe China's investment environment is deteriorating and foreign investment is starting to lose faith in China, with some starting to pull out."

"But these views aren't in line with the reality in China. While global FDI dropped 8 percent in 2014, China's FDI climbed 1.7 percent. Foreign investment still holds a positive view on China, and the trend to choose China and invest in China has not changed."

"About 55.4 percent of China's service industry uses foreign capital - that's 22 percent higher than in the manufacturing sector. This has become and will be a new field for China to apply foreign capital," he said.