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Heavy smog descended upon China's capital since the last weekend, prompting yet another round of discussions on the major causes for air pollution in China.

China's Ministry of Environment Protection recently announced that vehicles exhausts, industrial productions, coal burning and construction sites dust are the key polluters contributing to 85%-90% of pollution woes.

The ministry released the preliminary report of pollution sources based on the analysing data from nine different cities across Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Pearl River Delta and Yangtzi river Delta. Vehicles exhausts are the main culprit for pollution in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Excess coal consumption was responsible for bad air in Shijiazhuang and Nanjing. Construction site dust, transport of polluted items and industrial production meanwhile added to air pollution in coastal cities of Tianjin and Shanghai.

26 other provincial capitals will be inspected for the next round of monitoring.