您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 2008年以来中国未对印尼出口过大米 2015-05-28来源:和谐英语 China's Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday that since Chinese firms have not been permitted to export rice to Indonesia since 2008, they have nothing to do with the plastic rice scare in Indonesia. The ministry said that in accordance with WTO rules and China's commitments, Chinese rice exports are subject to "state trading" and quotas. Under "state trading," only two companies are allowed to export rice and these haven't exported any rice to Indonesia since 2008. Indonesia has been gripped by fears of PVC contamination in rice available in some areas, leading to speculation that some of it may have come from China. 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 富时将A股纳入新兴市场指数 下一篇 印度热浪席卷超1400人死亡 相关文章 英国教学方法出口中国中国出口商见证人民币的起伏挪威、印尼纷纷加入降息阵营印尼咖啡业务针对中国市场日本出口创3年来最大跌幅中国开始为印尼建造高铁百度领跑印尼市场大环境低迷 中国工厂出口增加在线平台节省出口成本印尼高铁花落谁家