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World powers are scheduled to meet in New York on Friday, to discuss the peace process in Syria. In advance of that meeting, US Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow, trying to narrow their differences over the issue. Kerry said Russia and the United States have found "common ground".

Moscow and Washington's views on the situation in Syria are similar, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry, who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow Tuesday. The talks at the Kremlin saw no major breakthrough but Kerry said the two sides found 'common ground' on which opposition groups should participate in Syrian peace talks.

Kerry said he and President Putin agreed on a number of 'critical' issues, especially as it concerns ISIL, which Kerry referred to using the alternate term "Daesh." 

"We talked about the areas of our operations and theirs, and he (Putin) was very much accommodating in his notion that we need to make certain that our militaries are talking in order to make sure that there is a complete de-confliction. We obviously agree that Daesh poses a threat to all of us," Kerry said.

Kerry also said he told Putin that the US is concerned Russia is bombing 'moderate opposition' groups in Syria. Russia views most all groups opposing Bashar al-Assad as terrorists. His future in Syria continues to divide Washington and Moscow.

Sergey Lavrov confirmed that a meeting of world powers to discuss Syria will proceed in New York on Friday. A resolution on Syria for the UN Security Council is expected to follow that meeting.

This was the first meeting between President Putin and Secretary Kerry since Russia began its bombing campaign in Syria in September. And while some positive signals came from both sides here in Moscow, it remains to be seen when - or if - any new cooperation will take place where it matters... on the ground in Syria and Ukraine.