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You like to think of yourself as a good friend, but are you really? If you’re not sure, it’s time to think about what makes a true pal.

You Will Need

Step 1: Be willing to listen(合格的聆听者)
Always be willing to listen to what the other person is telling you, even if sometimes it’s boring or makes you uncomfortable.

Step 2: Don’t be judgmental(不要用审判的眼光看对方)
Don’t be judgmental. Try to see your friend’s point of view. If you’re going to disagree, do it respectfully.

Don’t give advice without being asked, or first asking if your friend would like your counsel. Sometimes people just want to vent.

Step 3: Speak up(畅所欲言)
That said, if your friend is doing something that is hurting her or someone else, you must speak up. Forcefully.

Step 4: Don’t interrupt(不要打断对方)
Don’t interrupt your friend. Cutting someone off shows that you are more interested in what you want to say than what they are telling you.

Step 5: Be there when they need help(有难同当)
Be there when they need help. Nothing ends a friendship faster than abandoning a friend in her time of need.

Step 6: Be thoughtful(偶尔的礼物是有必要的)
Be thoughtful. If you’re shopping and see a small item a buddy would like, buy it. Send cards just to let your friends know you value them.

Step 7: Don’t take your friends for granted(不要想当然的)
Don’t take your friends for granted. If you hear yourself thinking, “She’s my friend; she won’t mind,” stop and reconsider. It is precisely because she’s your friend that you shouldn’t take advantage of her.

Good friends may help you live longer—one study found subjects with a wide circle of friends outlived loners by 22%!