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Breathe new life into a regular skirt with a needle and thread — and a little ingenuity.

You Will Need

Knee-length or longer skirt
Measuring tape
Straight pins
Sewing machine
1 yd. elastic
Needle and matching thread

Step 1: Turn skirt inside out(把裙子翻过来,把边角1英寸左右的长度折起来)
Turn the skirt inside out, fold the hem up 1 inch and pin it into place.

Step 2: Sew the hem(把折起来的边角缝起来)
Sew the hem into place using the sewing machine, removing the pins as you go. Leave a small hole where you can feed elastic into the hem.

Step 3: Cut elastic(根据自己的臀位,剪一段松紧带)
Cut a length of elastic the size of your waist or hips, depending on where you want the folded hem to reach.

Step 4: Feed elastic into hem(把松紧带放入刚刚折好的边角)
Pin one end of the elastic to the opening of the hole in the hem. Then feed the elastic into the hem until the other end comes out of the hole.

Step 5: Sew elastic ends(把松紧带的头尾缝起来)
Sew the ends together with a needle and thread and close the hole in the hem.

Step 6: Turn right side out and try(再把裙子的反面翻过来)
Turn the skirt right side out and put it on. Fold the hem under so that the elastic hem is hidden.

When the skirt goes out of fashion, remove the elastic and wear it as you did before.

Step 7: Raise hem(根据你想要的长度,把缝好的带松紧带的边角往上提)
Lift the elastic hem along your body to shorten the skirt to your desired length. Go out for a fun night wearing your new bubble skirt.