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Now that the spring equinox is behind us, it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to commemorate the start of summer.

You Will Need

Freshly picked flowers
Stonehenge visit
Naked run

Step 1: Understand the solstice(弄清楚夏至是什么)
Understand what the summer solstice is — in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the day when the North Pole is tilted closest to the sun, making it the longest day of the year.

Step 2: Have a bonfire(生一堆篝火,古人认为这样可以驱除妖魔)
Make a bonfire. Ancient civilizations believed that the fire they created would ward off evil spirits. Many cultures carry on this tradition today.

Step 3: Pick some flowers(采摘一些花朵)
Pick some flowers. In medieval Europe, people believed that plants picked during the summer solstice had the ability to heal.

Step 4: Head to Stonehenge(拜访史前巨柱)
Visit Stonehenge, Britain’s famous prehistoric stone monument. Because the structure aligns with the sunrise on the solstice, thousands of people gather there to celebrate the day by watching the sun come up.

Other great destinations for celebrating the solstice include Sedona, Arizona, and Cairo, where an ancient sun temple was discovered in 2006.

Step 5: Dance around a maypole(围着五月柱起舞)
Dance around a maypole — a flower and ribbon-festooned vertical bar. That’s a cherished tradition in Sweden, where the summer solstice is a major holiday.

Step 6: Organize a naked run(组织一个裸奔)
Organize a naked run — if you can secure your town’s permission! It’s a new — but increasingly popular — ritual in Riga, the capital of Latvia, as part of their solstice festivities.

“Solstice” comes from the Latin words “sol,” which means sun, and “stare,” to stand.