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In the past decade, international study has more than doubled in popularity. Sure, you can go to London or Paris, but what about places like Africa or the Yucat

You Will Need

A desire to learn
A decent GPA
A school that accepts study abroad credits
And a sense of adventure
Step 1: Conquer fear(首先要克服对新环境的恐惧)
Conquer your fears and doubts.
Many schools employ full-time study abroad counselors who will help you arrange your trip.

Step 2: Consider your reasons(弄清楚自己出国真正的原因)
Consider your reasons for studying abroad, and be honest.

Step 3: Examine your academic plan(计划好自己的学业进程)
Examine your academic plan. Take your career goals, total course units, and major progress into account. For example, will going overseas delay your graduation? Will the credits you get count toward your major?

Step 4: Choose a program(选择适合自己的出国项目)
Choose a program. Your campus study abroad office or international programs office can provide information about what is available.

Step 5: Sort out finances(尽量申请奖学金)
Sort out financial concerns. If you receive financial aid from your home university, ask if any of it can be applied to your study abroad experience. Remember that most programs will not allow you to work for pay during your time abroad.

If your school runs a study abroad program, consider going on it. Often your tuition will be the same, without room and board.

Step 6: Complete the paperwork(做好留学申请工作)
Complete the paperwork. This means apply to programs and, if accepted, confirm transfer credits and enrollment status, and get your visas and passport. Do this as soon as possible!

Step 7: Arrange housing(计划好国外的居住问题)
Decide where you are going to live: a dorm? An apartment? With a host family? Each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of meeting young people, assimilating into the new culture, and allowing you personal space.

Many programs have partnerships with noNPRofit companies and local organizations that will help you arrange housing, classes, and other important details.

Step 8: Do your research(进一步了解国外生活学习的准备工作)
Do further research on your destination. Do you need to get any immunizations?

Step 9: Embark(收拾行李,准备出发)
Pack your bags, get your shots,
The five most popular destinations for Americans studying abroad are the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, and Australia, in that order.