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Step 1: Repetition, repetition, repetition.(重复,重复,中孚)
When you are first introduced, repeat your new acquaintance's name - three times will cement it in your memory. "Tom, Tom, Tom."

The trick is to do this without them noticing. First, repeat it directly. "It's nice to meet you, Tom. How do you do?" Then repeat it twice during the course of your conversation. "That's an interesting point. Tom, what do you think?", "So, Tom, what do you do for a living?"

After this, occasionally throw their name into conversation to keep it fresh in your mind. But don't overdo it, or you will seem odd.

Step 2: Association(联想)
During your first conversation, subtly study their face and clothing, paying particular attention to any distinguishing features.

Anchor their name to a particular feature. In your mind, a simple "Tom" might become "Tom with the eyebrows"; "Tom wearing blue"; or "Tom with the crazy hair".

Next time you see them, that feature will remind you of their name.

Step 3: Find a rhyme(押韵)
Alternatively, try making a simple rhyme out of their name. This can be as ludicrous as you like because, remember, it only needs to make sense to you. Tom could be "Tom went to the prom".

If you can tie this in with a distinguishing feature, then you've got yourself a double-whammy. A bearded man named Dave, for example, might become "Dave needs a shave".

These three tricks should help you to remember people's names in any situation. However, no-one is perfect, and if you find yourself unable to remember a name, don't fret. VideoJug has the answers.

Step 4: Ask someone else(请教他人)
If you want to address someone but your memory fails you, discreetly ask a mutual friend their name. You needn't be embarrassed - far better to do this than to call them "Oi".

Step 5: Introduce them to someone else(把他们介绍给别人)
Introduce your new acquaintance to a friend, using your body language to prompt them to give their own name.

"Have you met Peter? He's a good friend of mine from the polo club."

Take control, be polite, and do it with a smile. Hopefully they will step up and introduce themselves, giving you the opportunity to hear their name again.

Step 6: Ask them(再次询问)
If all else fails, simply ask them again. Politely say, "I'm terribly sorry, I've forgotten your name."

Everyone forgets names from time to time, so don't be embarrassed, and don't make a big deal of it.

After this reminder, you're unlikely to forget a second time. But if you do, simply throw a drink over yourself and escaping in the ensuing melee.