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李冰冰宣传《雪花秘扇》 上美国脱口秀节目


The U.S has Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston, but in China, superstars do not get any bigger than Li Bing Bing and she's showing America why, in the big-screen version of the best-selling book "Snow Flower and The Secret Fan." Please welcome, Li Bing Bing."

First of all, what an honor, because this is your first American TV interview. So welcome, officially. We are thrilled to have you. I know that you're still learning English, which we were talking backstage and you are teaching yourself, correct?

Yes. I learn English by myself.

So, do you use an app? Do you use computer? Do you watch TV to learn?

I just learn English by myself, and I go everywhere. When I look at something, if it's a strange word, I'll ask someone. And I have mobile phone. There's condition(she means application) inside and I check and learn it.

-That's pretty great. -And I watch TV and DVD.

Let's try to learn Chinese. My daughter is trying to right now. At a young age...I just think as you get older, you get so used to speaking your own language, the difficulties are probably exponential.

But you are a huge movie star, when you first told - huge - When you first told your family that that's you wanted to do, what did they say?

Actually, I never think about I'm gona be a actress when I was very little.

What did you think?

In China, I also think in every...in the whole world every parent want their kids be at lease college students, right?

Right. Yeah.

Yes, my parents have the same hope to me.

I have a chance to go to my college. My college called ShangHai Drama Institute. I went there study for 4 years. I never know that after I graduated, I become a true actress. And my parents even don't know...they didn't know.

Do they like it now?

I think so.

Do you want to make American movies?

Of course, why not? I'm still learning English.

In America, celebrities are a huge deal. What's it like in China, especially when you're saying your parents wanted you to go to colledge. A lot of parents want their kids to go to colledge. So when you in China, what's it like being a big movie star over there?

I think it's like the same situation in U.S. It's not convinient in your...like daily life. but I used to it. I'm a very boring person. I always love to stay at home.

What do you do when you're at home?

study English. Yes, I hire...like...assistant recently. I want to talk to her at least 2 hours a day. And I love to go to gym. Keep muscle, make strong.

What about a boyfriend?

I don't have boyfirend...so...

Do you want one?

Can you introduce me in your show?

She's so funny, I love it.

There's a lot of estrogen. Do you know what estrogen is? It's a female hormone. We don't have the testosterone.

We're all running out of it. It's the problem.

I want to tell everybody “Snow flower and the Secret Fan” it’s a beautiful film adaptation of the book. It’s beautiful, it’s about true friendship. There was this tradition called, and tell me if I – Laotong?


Where girls were matched as friends and these two young girls – you play two characters, you have to speak English throughout the film – mm yes, actually half – half, one for one of the characters right? Cause it’s in two different times. It was, it’s a beautiful story of friendship. Do you have a friend that close?

Yes I do have. And when I look at you guys, this close, and make the show very fantastic. And every US audience loves this show. You guys like Laotong too. And my Laotong is actually my roommate when I was in the college school, we spent 4 years in the school. After we graduate, we separated. And I went to Beijing and she lived in Shanghai. I miss her so much, and I would always call her in, each time, at the beginning I mean. One hour, two hour, I just say, I miss you, how can I live in Beijing without you? Nobody go with me to have dinner or go shopping. I feel so lonely. Come to Beijing. And she just says, come back to Shanghai, come back to Shanghai.

So we, we, we’re together, we always you know like, yelling and uh.. Have fun, Yes, have fun and go everywhere – You’re soulmate friends, that’s great.

But, so in this movie, we talk about the two girls’ relationship. It’s very subtle and very special.

A secret language, it is special.

Truly pure relationship.

Thank you.

And I really really want the audience can share the special relationship.

You are all gonna absolutely love this. We’re delighted that you came and honored that you’re here. And we think you’re quite fantastic at the English language.

Our thanks to Bing Bing, her movie, “The Snow flower and The Secret Fan,” opens this weekend, this week! We’ll be right back.