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Are you excited about Comic Con tomorrow? 对明天的动漫节很期待吧

Oh,so much. 太期待了

Gonna be so many hot babies there 到时候会有超多的美女

Finally you can cheat on me ,huh? 你终于有机会劈腿了是吧

Yeah,sure. 是啊

Wait,what? 什么

What did you just say? 你刚刚说什么

yeah ,sure. 是啊

Why did you just say it like that? 你怎么能这么说

Why did I say it like that? 我怎么能怎么说

Oh my God. 行啊你

I'm going to ask you something OK? 我要问你点事,行吗

Don't think about the answer,answer me right away. 不要思考,直接回答

-OK.- OK

Have you ever cheated on me? 你有过外遇吗

What ?No! 什么?没有!

Oh my God,you hesitated 好吧,你愣了一下

I didn't know you were going to clap.Ask me again. 我不知道你会拍手嘛,再问一次

No I can't ask you again bacause now you know the question. 你都知道问题了,我还再问一次?

Look at you ,you were acting so weird. 你看,你这会儿变得怪怪的了

No I'm not. 没有

Yes you are. 就是怪怪的

Look at you,you are like crazy. 你看你看,你都要发飙了

You're being funny. 你真能搞笑

I am being completely serious. 我是很认真的

Now,you look at me in the eye.You tell me you never cheated on me. 好,看着我的眼睛说你从没有过外遇

I never cheated... 我从没

Whoa!Stop!What are you doing?You'rehypnotizing me.Stop it!You just act natural.OK? 停!你在干嘛?对我催眠?停!你自然点说,行不

If you're innocent,it should be no problem. 不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门

Okay.I never cheated on you. 好。我从没有过外遇

I don't believe you. 我不信

Okay,what's going on?Did one of your friends say something?or... 到底怎么啦?是不是你哪个朋友说的,还是...

One of my friends?So it's one of my friends? 我朋友?是我的某个朋友?

You're sick.Who?Megan? 你真恶心,是谁?Megan?

No,I'm not... 我意思是

Who was it ? 是谁

Who was it ?Megan?Claire? 是谁?是Megan?Claire?

NO! 不是

Someone from your work? 是你同事?

Who?Who?Who?Who was it? 是谁,她是谁?

No!None of them!I wouldn't have sex with them even if they were the last woman alive on this planet.No body. 没有谁。即是地球上其他女人都死光了我也不会跟她们外遇。我没外遇

Fine.Stop.Close your eyes. 好吧。别说了。闭上眼睛

Open them when I say. 我叫你睁开再睁开

You don't hurt me. 你别打我啊

Open! 睁开

Jesus Christ!What are you doing?老大!你在干嘛

Checking for boners. 你硬了

I don't have a boner. 哪有硬啊

Close your eyes,next picture. 闭眼,下一张

No!This is ridiculous. 别整这个了,这太搞了

What do I have to do to prove to you...that I didn't cheat on you,baby? 我要怎么样才能证明我没有外遇,亲爱的

Tell me who.  crazybunny@yahoo.com? 告诉我她是谁

It's my sister!She's a whore. 那是我妹妹!她是干那个的

Oh!So your sister turns out to be a sixty-nine,crazy,bunny hoe,and you end up being a monogamous,one-woman kind of a guy? 所以你妹妹是69号温柔小妹而你却是一个专情的新好男人

Yes. 是

What's wrong? 怎么啦

I'm crying and you're not even doing anything.You won't even touch me anymore. 我哭你都不管我,你碰都不想碰我

I'll totally touch you baby 我当然想碰你啦亲爱的

Don't touch me now.I had to ask you to do it. 别碰我!居然还要我说

This is crazy,baby 这也太过了吧亲爱的

Okay,fine.So you never cheated on me? 好吧,你真的没有过外遇

No!I've never cheated on you and I'm never gonna cheat on you.You're my everything,you're my life.I mean,I would...fight an army of radioactive spiders for you.You know? I would walk on a street of glass barefoot for you.I love you. 我没有。以后也不会有。你是我的全部,你是我的生命。为了你我可以大战毒蜘蛛小队。我也可以光着脚在荆棘上狂奔。我爱你

I cheated on you. 我有外遇了

What 什么