1. 反身代词用作宾语
I'm ashamed of myself for being so stupid. 我因自己这么愚蠢而感到害羞。
Mary tried several jobs but at last found herself as a teacher. 玛丽试做了几种工作,但最后发现自己还是适合于当老师。
Do the shopping now, and while you’re about it buy yourself a pair of shoes. 现在就去商店买东西,同时给你自己买双鞋子。
Jane blew the birthday candle out and said a wish for herself. 珍妮吹熄了生日蜡烛,给自己许了个愿。
They’ve arranged that I should absent myself for part of the meeting. 他们安排好让我一部分时间不在开会现场。
A young man in modern society should require the art of adjusting himself to new situation. 现代社会的青年应学会使自己适应新情况的本领。
2. 反身代词用作同位语
I myself wrote the report. 我自己写的报告。
She told me the news herself. 这消息是她亲口告诉我的。
He himself told the story. 这个故事是他亲自讲的。
She does all the housework herself. 她亲自做一切家务。
That’s a direct quote from the man himself. 那是这个人的原话。
He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干得太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
3. 反身代词用作表语
(1) 用于本义,表示“……自己”。如:
That poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。
In fact, the one who needs it most is herself. 事实上,最需要它的是她自己。
(2) 用于引申义,表示身体或精神处于正常状态。如:
He is himself again. 他复原了;他恢复了正常。
I am not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。