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否定省略短句not in the least的用法


否定省略短句not in the least的用法


一、not in the least的基本用法

not in the least在口语中主要表示“一点也不”“丝毫不”。如:

A:Are you tired? 你累了吧?

B:Not in the least. 一点不累。

A:Am I troubling you? 麻烦你了吧?

B:Not in the least. 一点也没有。

A:You must find such long hours very tiring.  你一定会发现那么长时间会令人厌倦的。

B:Not in the least—I enjoy it. 一点不会让人厌倦,我喜欢。

A:I hope you won’t mind my going with you. 你不会介意我和你们一道去吧。

B:Not in the least. 我毫不介意。

二、对not in the least翻译的灵活处理


A:Would you mind holding this box?  请你捧住这个盒子好吗?

B:Not in the least. 完全可以(=一点也不介意)。

A:Would it be inconvenient to have lunch half an hour earlier today? 今天中餐提前半小时吃有什么不方便的吗?

B:Not in the least. 完全可以(=没有一点不方便的)。

三、not in the least在句中的位置

not in the least不一定总是要单独用作答语,有时也可用于句子中间。如:

She did not mind working late in the least. 她对工作到很晚一点也不在意。

She can’t seem to see the joke in the least. 她似乎完全不懂这个笑话。

If anything of this sort should happen, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. 如果真有这种事情发生,我也不会惊讶的。

The content of her answer wasn’t in the least important to him. 她所回答的内容对他一点都不重要。

四、not in the least的有关变体

有时not in the least可能会有变体,如将not变成no等。如:

She remained modest;no praise or compliments affected her in the least. 她仍然谦虚,赞扬或恭维对她都没有任何影响。