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91. 中国人是一个勤劳勇敢的民族。

误:The Chinese is a brave and hard-working people.

正:The Chinese are a brave and hard-working people.

析:the Chinese 泛指全体中国人,即“中华民族”,具有复数意义,用作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。注意,不要认为表语是单数,谓语动词就用单数,因为谓语是与主语的数保持一致,而不是与表语的数保持一致。

92. 妈妈为我买了两套新衣服。

误:Mother bought me two new clothes.

正:Mother bought me two new suits of clothes.

析:clothes 表示“衣服”是一个没有单数形式的复数名词,但是它却不能与直接与数词连用。要表示几套衣服,可借助suit 来表示;若无需表明是几套衣服,可用 a few, many, these, those 等修饰。

93. 我们用彩灯装饰圣诞树。

误:We decorated the Christmas tree with coloured lights

正:We decorated the Christmas tree with coloured lights

析:汉语说“彩(色)……”,根据情况可以用 colour, coloured, colourful 来修饰相关的名词,其区别是:colour 指它所修饰名词能够产生 colour 的效果,如:colour TV(彩电),colour film(彩色电影);coloured 用作定语指它所修饰的名词具有 colour 的特征,如:coloured flag(彩旗),coloured chalk(彩色粉笔);而 colourful 用作定语则指颜色的多样性或色彩的鲜艳性,意为“丰富多彩的”“多彩的”“艳丽的”,如:colourful wings(五颜六色的翅膀),colourful clouds(彩云)。

94. 这个月他父母来过学校两次。

误:His parents have come to the school twice this month.

正:His parents have been to the school twice this month.

析:have come 只表示“已来”,不表示“来过”,要表示后者的意思应用 have been (to)。

95. 他是一家五星级宾馆的厨师。

误:He is cooker in a five-star hotel.

正:He is cook in a five-star hotel. (www.hxen.net)

析:cook 用作动词,意为“烹调”、“做饭菜”,它同时也可用作名词,意为“厨师”。千万不要认为 cooker 是“做饭菜的人”,其实它是指“做饭菜的东西”,即“炊具”。

96. 这位老人的耳朵很聋。

误:The old man’s ears are very deaf.

正:The old man was very deaf.

析:说明一个耳聋,英语习惯上用“人”作主语,而不以“耳朵”作主语。又如:He is deaf in [of] one ear. 他有一只耳朵聋了。

97. 我们大家都累了,休息一会儿怎么样?

误:We are all tired. How about to have a rest?

正:We are all tired. How about having a rest?

析:How about...? 在此用于征求意见,意为“……怎么样”,其后要接动名词(因为 about 是介词)。

98. 我收到了他的礼物,但我没有接受。

误:I accepted his present but I didn’t receive it.

正:I received his present but I didn’t accept it.


99. 我生病时,我姑妈替我料理家务。

误:My aunt keeps the house for me when I am ill.

正:My aunt keeps house for me when I am ill.(http://ask.hxen.net/)

析:keep house 与 keep the house:前者指“料理家务”,后者指“呆在家里不外出”。比较:She will keep house until we come back. 我们回来前她负责看家。/ She will keep the house until we come back. 她会一直呆在家里等我们回来。

100. 我写信来是想请你下周星期六来吃饭。

误:I write to invite you to dinner next Saturday.

正:I write to ask you to dinner next Saturday.

析:按英语习惯,当面邀请人时,通常不有invite。又如要表示 “我想请你来参加晚会”,通常不能说成 I’d like to invite you to the party. 而应换成其他说法,如说 Would you like to come to the party?