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(5) “under+名词”短语:

The new music hall is under construction. 新的音乐大厅正在修建中。

Your proposal is under consideration. 你的提议正在考虑中。

注:这类短语的名词前不用冠词,类似的还有under arrest(被逮捕),under attack(受到袭击),under consideration(在考虑中),under construction(在建设中),under cultivation(被耕种),under discussion(在讨论中), under examination(在检查或调查中),under fire(在炮火中,在攻击中),under investigation(在调查中),under medical treatment(在治疗中),under repair(在修缮中),under review(在检查中),under study(在研究中。

(6)其他介词短语。除以上提到的几种情况外,还有一些介词短语也可表示被动意味,如for sale(供出售),for rent(供出租),at one’s service(听凭某人使用),above reproach(无可指责,无可非议),above suspicion(不受怀疑),above criticism(无可指责),within sight(看得见)等。



People believed that she is honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。

→ It’s believed that she is honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。

→ She is believed to be honest. 大家相信她是诚实的。

比较上面两类被动句型可以发现,一类是“it+be+过去分词+that从句”,另一类则是“主语+be+过去分词+不定式”(其中的“主语”为前一类句型中that从句中的主语),通常可用于这两类被动句型的动词有assume, believe, expect, fear, feel, know, presume, report, say, suppose, think, understand等,比较(同时注意其中时态和动词形式的变化):

It’s expected that he will come soon. / He is expected to come soon. 预计他很快就会来。

It’s expected that he has come. / He is expected to have come. 估计他会已经来了。

It’s known that is a good singer. / He is known to be a good singer. 大家知道他是位优秀的歌手。

It’s known that was a good singer. / He is known to have been a good singer. 大家知道他曾是位优秀的歌手。


1. We looked and looked, but the ring was nowhere _____.

A. to find                  B. to be found           C. finding                 D. being found

2. The president _____ a cool reception when he visited London.

A. gave                     B. was given             C. had given              D. had been given

3. The students _____ £50 a year to cover the cost of books and stationery.

A. give                     B. are given              C. have given            D. to give

4. I ______ from football practice because I had a cold.

A. excused                B. was excused          C. had excused          D. had been excused

5. A red sky in the morning ______ to be a sign of bad weather.

A. says                     B. is saying               C. has said                D. is said

6. The bridge, which _____ 1688, needs repairing.(www.hxen.net)

A. is dated from        B. was dated from      C. dates from            D. dated from

7. He was angry _____ your work. He said that he _____ at all.

A. at, didn’t satisfy    B. to, didn’t satisfy

C. at, wasn’t satisfied D. to, wasn’t satisfied

8. Charles Babbage _______ to have invented the first telephone.

A. considered            B. had considered      C. was considered      D. had considered

9. “Do you know the girl in red?” “She seems to _____ me at last month’s party. But I’m not sure.

A. introduce to          B. be introduced to 

C. be introduced to    D. have been introduced to 

10. New medicines and instruments ______ every day to extend life.

A. develop                B. are being developed

C. are developing       D. have developed

11. It used to _______ that the Earth was flat.

A. think                    B. be thinking           C. be thought            D. have thought


参考答案:1—5 BBCBD  6—10 CCCCB  11 C