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If I’m mistaken, _________ you are mistaken too.
A. so                        B. and                      C. or                        D. 不填
空格前 if 引导的是一个条件状语从句,它暗示整个句子为复合句;而so, and, or 为并列连词,无论选哪一个,都表明整个句子为并列句,从而导致前后矛盾,所以A、B、C均不能选择。此题正确答案选D,you are mistaken too 为主句。又如:
(1) If wishes were horses, _________ beggars would ride.
A. and                      B. so                        C. or                        D. 不填
(2) When the last prize had been awarded _________ everybody cleared off.
A. and                      B. so                        C. or                        D. 不填
(3) Just before I left London, _________ I sent him a telegram.
A. and                      B. so                        C. or                        D. 不填
(4) After they had each said a few words, _________ Lloyd George took the floor.
A. and                      B. so                        C. or                        D. 不填
答案均选D,空格前分别为 if, when, before, after 引导的状语从句,空格后为句子主句。