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We can’t regard the matter as settled. 我们不能认为这事已经解决。

I finished the work as requested. 我按要求完成了工作。

He had failed to visit her as promised. 他没有按他的诺言来看望她。

Not all of them had gone well, and fewer still had gone as planned. 并非所有的事情都进展顺利,按计划进行的则更少。

Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as advertised. 由于下雨,游园会没有按照广告说的时间举行。

另一个比较典型的固定搭配是take…for granted(认为……是当然的,想当然地认为)。如:

Don’t take his kindness for granted. 不要把他的友善看作是当然的事。

We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan. 我们决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个投资计划的。


He once did it without being caught. 他有次这样做而未被人抓住。

Who prevented the plan from being carried out? 谁阻止这个计划的实现的?

Instead of being criticized, he ought to be praised. 他不应受到批评而应受到赞扬。

She looked surprised at being asked such a question. 有人问她这样的问题她感到惊讶。

On being introduced, British people often shake hands. 英国人被介绍给别人的时候常常和对方握手。

After being informed the flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements. 在我们得知飞机要推迟起飞后,我们另作了安排。


Leave in oven until cooked. 放在烤箱里一直到烤熟。(可视为在as后省略了it is)

It usually happens as described above. 情况通常就像上面描述的那样发生了。(可视为在as后省略了it is)