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(8) 我问了她许多问题。

误:I asked her a good many of questions.

正:I asked her a good many questions.

析:与 a lot of, a great number of, a great deal of 等结构不同,a great many 后接名词时,习惯上不用介词 of,除非其后的名词带有限定词或是代词,如:a great many of the students(许多学生),a great many of them(他们当中的许多人)。

(9) 她用手掩面。

误:She covered over her face with her hands.

正:She covered her face with her hands.(www.hxen.net)

析:cover(覆盖,盖住)是及物动词,其后用介词 over是多余的。

(10) 你要想卖掉你的产品,你就得为此登广告。

误:If you want to sell your product you must advertise for it.

正:If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.

析:advertise for sth (sb) 意为“登广告征求或寻找某物或某人”(此时 advertise 是不及物动词);若要表示“为……登广告”或“登广告宣传……”,advertise 是及物动词, 其后要直接跟被宣传的东西作宾语。比较:The manager wants to advertise for a new secretary. 经理想登广告招聘一位新秘书。