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1. He’s written a book the name of which I’ve forgotten. 他写了一本书,书名我忘了。

相关搭配:the name of ……的名字;the name of a book 一本书的书名。

2. It was an agreement the details of which could not be altered. 这是一项其细节不可更改的协定。

相关搭配:the details of ……的细节;the details of an agreement 某份协议的细节


1. The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大多数都已经挤满了人,它们被愤怒的人群包围着。

相关搭配:most of ……中的大多数,大多数的……;most of the buses 大多数的汽车。

2. He went with a group of people, few of whom were correctly equipped for such a climb.  他和一队人一起去了,其中没有几个人配有进行这样一次登山的适当装备。

相关搭配:few of ……当中的很少数,少数的……;few of the people 少数人。

3. The lorry crashed into a queue of people, several of whom had to have hospital treatment.  卡车冲进了一队人之中,其中有几个不得不住院治疗。

相关搭配:several of ……当中的几个,几个……;few of the people 几个人。


1. Her sons, both of whom work abroad, ring her up every week.  她的两个儿子,都在国外工作,他们每周都给她打电话来。

用法说明:both of whom为her sons的同位语。

2. Both players, neither of whom reached the final, played well. 两名运动员都未进入决赛,但都表现得很好。

用法说明:neither of whom为both players的同位语。



He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen. 他就是那个家里藏画被盗的人。

相关搭配:from the man’s house 从这个人的家里。

In 1980 he caught a serious illness from whose effects he still suffers. 1980年他患了到现在对他仍有影响的重病。

相关搭配:from the efforts of the illness 从这种病的影响中。


01. The death of his son was an experience from ______ he never fully recovered.

A. that                      B. which                   C. what                    D. when

02. It’s the third in a sequence of three books, the first of ______ I really enjoyed.

A. them                    B. which                   C. that                      D. what

03. The picking of the fruit, for ______ work they receive no money, takes about a week.

A. which                  B. where                   C. that                      D. whose

04. He was educated at the local grammar school, after ______ he went on to Cambridge.

A. that                      B. which                   C. what                    D. where

05. She may have missed the train, in ______ case she won’t arrive for another hour.

A. that                      B. which                   C. what                    D. where

06. Your claim ought to succeed, in ______ case the damages will be substantial.

A. that                      B. this                      C. what                    D. which

07. We’ve been invited to Rachel and Jamie’s wedding—speaking of ______, did you know that they’re moving to Ealing?

A. whom                  B. when                    C. which                  D. what

08. She has written two novels, both of ______ have been made into television series.

A. that                      B. them                    C. what                    D. which