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01. She just sits there reading her story book, _________ I do all the work.

A. until           B. while         B. because       D. though

02. Their economy has expanded enormously, _________ ours, by contrast, has declined.

A. while         B. unless        B. in case         D. which

03. Could you watch my bags for me, _________ I go to the toilet?

A. though       B. unless        B. what           D. while

04. The professor is typing his own letters _________ his secretary is ill.

A. what          B. which        B. if               D. while

05. She said she was going to the shops and sked me whether I wanted anything _________ she was out.

A. though       B. while         B. which        D. before

06. Tea is the most popular drink, _________coffee comes second.

A. since         B. until           B. what          D. while

07. Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, _________ those in the south are relatively poor.

A. since         B. before        B. while         D. because

08. It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing, _________ women remain on the lower grades.

A. after          B. since          B. while         D. which

09. _________ trying to open the can, I cut my hand.

A. Though       B. Because     B. For         D. While

10. Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, _________ others prefer a meat-based diet.

A. though       B. while         B. which        D. for

11. He didn’t ask me in; he kept me standing at the door _________ he read the message.

A. while         B. before        B. after          D. which

12. Now’s the time to buy a car, _________ the interest rates are low.

A. but            B. which        B. while         D. until

13. The couple took good care of the baby _________ occupied by their work.

A. while         B. after          B. which        D. since

14. How did you spend your time _________ you were on holiday?

A. although       B. while       B. which        D. since

15. Because Jane had once had a bad accident _________ driving, she was afraid to try it again.

A. though       B. unless        B. for             D. while

【参考答案】01—05 BADDB  06—10 DCCDB 11—15 ACABD