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(E) 强调一般疑问句中的某一成分时,将强调句中的主句用一般疑问语序。如:

(1) Do you like English?—It is English that you like?  英语就是你喜欢的吗?

(2) Will you go to London?—It is London that you will go to? 你要去的就是伦敦吗?

(F)特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调。句型为:特殊疑问词+be + it that+…? 如:

(1) What made him so angry?—What is it that made him so angry?  是什么东西使他如此生气?

(2) Why did she cry?—Why was it that she cried? 是什么原因使他哭了起来?

(G) 强调主语时,who 或that后面的谓语形式须与被强调的主语保持一致。如:

(1) Lily speaks Chinese very well. —It is Lily who / that speaks Chinese very well. 李丽的汉语讲得很好。

(2) Children like stories. —It is Children that like stories. 孩子们喜欢故事。

(H) 强调句中的be前可用表推测的情态动词:must, can, may等。如:

(1) It must be Piney that sent us this present. 肯定是Piney 给我们寄来了这件礼物。

(2) How can it be that he didn’t pass the exams. 他考试没有通过怎么可能呢?

(I) 强调句型不用于强调谓语、表语、since, as等引导的原因状语从句。如:

He is better today since he can walk around without my help. 就不能有下列强调形式:

It is better today that he is today since he can walk around without my help. (错)

It is since he can walk around without my help that he is better today. (错)