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  21. Although the meanings of words may necessarily be liable to change, it does not follow that the lexicographer is therefore unable to render spelling, in a great measure, ________.
  (A) arbitrary
  (B) superfluous
  (C) interesting
  (D) flexible
  (E) constant
  22. Some activists believe that because the health-care system has become increasingly _________ to those it serves, individuals must_________ bureaucratic impediments in order to develop and promote new therapies.
  (A) attuned.. avoid
  (B) inimical.. utilize
  (C) unresponsive ..circumvent
  (D) indifferent.. supplement
  (E) sensitized.. forsake
  23. The acts of vandalism that these pranksters had actually_________ were insignificant compared with those they had_________ but had not attempted.
  (A) hidden .. renounced
  (B) advocated .. meditated
  (C) inflicted .. dismissed
  (D) committed .. effected
  (E) perpetrated .. contemplated
  24. Though one cannot say that Michelangelo was an impractical designer, he was, of all noNPRofessional architects known, the most_________ in that he was the least constrained by tradition or precedent.
  (A) pragmatic
  (B) adventurous
  (C) empirical
  (D) skilled
  (E) learned
  25. Before adapting to changes in values, many prefer to , to_________ the universally agreed-on principles that have been upheld for centuries.
  (A) innovate .. protect
  (B) resist ..defend
  (C) ponder .. subvert
  (D) vacillate ..publicize
  (E) revert .. ignore
  26. Although the records of colonial New England are_________ in comparison with those available in France or England, the records of other English colonies in America are even more_________ .
  (A) sporadic.. irrefutable
  (B) sparse.. incontrovertible
  (C) ambiguous.. authoritative
  (D) sketchy.. fragmentary
  (E) puzzling .. unquestionable
  27. High software prices are frequently said to_________ widespread illegal copying, although the opposite—that high prices are the cause of the copying—is equally plausible.
  (A) contribute to
  (B) result from
  (C) correlate with
  (D) explain
  (E) precede
  28. Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they _______ the vernacular.
  (A) dissected
  (B) avoided
  (C) misunderstood
  (D) investigated
  (E) exploited
  29. It is assumed that scientists will avoid making_________ claims about the results of their experiments because of the likelihood that they will be exposed when other researchers cannot_________ their findings.
  (A) hypothetical.. evaluate
  (B) fraudulent.. duplicate
  (C) verifiable.. contradict
  (D) radical.. contest
  (E) extravagant.. dispute
  30. As long as the nuclear family is_________ a larger kinship group through contiguous residence on undivided land, the pressure to and thus to get along with relatives is strong.
  (A) nurtured among.. abstain
  (B) excluded from.. compromise
  (C) embedded in .. share
  (D) scattered throughout.. reject
  (E) accepted by .. lead