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  11. The meeting on environmental issues produced__________discussion but no commitment on a plan of action: the many uncertainties surrounding global climatic change and the huge cost of efforts to limit it made the policymakers__________ .
  A. little … voluble
  B. heated … contentious
  C. cordial … quarrelsome
  D. frustrating … affable
  E. interminable … businesslike
  12. Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain__________.
  A. familiarity
  B. ennui
  C. upheaval
  D. intimacy
  E. tranquility
  13. The history of film reflects the__________ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities.
  A. trivialities
  B. biases
  C. constraints
  D. paradoxes
  E. liabilities
  14. The__________ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more__________ than she in fact is.
  A. superlatives … egalitarian
  B. pejoratives … optimistic
  C. examples … soporific
  D. diatribes … censorious
  E. malapropisms … straightforward
  15. Although Heron is well known for the broad comedy in the movies she has directed previously, her new film is less inclined to__________: the gags are fewer and subtler.
  A. understatement
  B. preciosity
  C. symbolism
  D. buffoonery
  E. melodrama
  16. Bebop’s legacy is__________one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form, but it__________jazz’s mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop.
  A. a mixed……..alienated
  B. a troubled……..seduced
  C. an ambiguous……….aggrandized
  D. a valuable…….refined
  E. a noble………pleased   
  17. The exhibition’s importance lies in its__________: curators have gathered a diverse array of significant works from many different museums.
  A. homogeneity
  B. sophistry
  C. scope
  D. farsightedness
  E. insularity
  18. Despite the fact that the commission’s report treats a vitally important topic, the report will be__________read because its prose is so__________that understanding it requires an enormous effort.
  A. seldom…….transparent
  B. carefully……..pellucid
  C. little……….turgid
  D. eagerly……..digressive
  E. widely…….prolix
  19. Carleton would still rank among the great__________of nineteenth-century American art event if the circumstance of her life and career were less__________than they are.
  A. celebrities……….obscure
  B. failures……..illustrious
  C. charlatans……impeccable
  D. enigmas……mysterious
  E. success……….ignominious
  20. Although based on an actual event, the film lacks__________ : the director shuffles events, simplifies the tangle of relationships, and__________ documentary truth for dramatic power.
  A. conviction……..embraces
  B. expressiveness…..exaggerates
  C. verisimilitude…….sacrifices
  D. realism……….substitutes
  E. coherence……..utilizes