本次考试考题精选 范例解析: |
Do you like dancing? Analysis: 受多年应试型教育的影响,大多数的中国考生对于课外兴趣爱好的投入和发展相对比较少,所以,很多的考生都不会或者不喜欢跳舞。对于这个话题,可能没有亲身经历或者大量的背景知识。在口语考试中,当被问到这个问题时,典型的回答就是“No, I don't”。显然,这样的答案是很难拿到理想的高分的。因此,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生灵活处理这类问题,比如,可以谈一些自己的其他爱好,或者不喜欢跳舞的原因。 Sample Answer: Though I think dancing is really interesting, I don't know how to dance since I spent most of my spare time for study to enter a famous university under the pressure from both my school and family. However, I would like to learn dancing next semester when I will have little courses and exams to work on. Because dancing with other is a great occasion to make friends and to get relaxed at weekends. Which is your favourite colour? Analysis: 通过历年与众多考生的交流和对于口语模考的总结,朗阁海外考试研究中心发现考生给出最多的答案是“蓝色”,喜欢蓝色的原因是“因为大海或者天空是蓝色的”。如果每个人都给出同样的答案,那么,大家都很难令考官满意。所以考生需要尽量给出一些新颖的原因。 Sample Answer: My favourite colour is definitely blue. Because blue is the colour of ocean where I would like to go on holidays. As a student I have too many subjects to learn and assignments to complete to obtain my diploma, which makes me exhausted and annoyed. To release my pressure and get refreshed, I imagine walking on the beach feeling the wind and watching waves. I love sea, I love its colour-blue. What kind of people could become celebrities in your country? Analysis: 受网络和大众媒体的影响,听到这个问题时,考生很可能首先想到的是“XX姐姐”,或者“XX门”的主角等诸多网络红人。一方面,用英语来描述这种情况并不容易;另一方面,表述的内容可能偏重于关注社会的负面,所以,不建议考生过多深入的谈论这方面的话题。有很多正面的积极的电影明星、歌手或者政治家。成功者之间存在一些共性,比如说,有信心、有想法、勇于拼搏、善于坚持等等。 Sample Answer: With the power and help of the ever-growing Internet technology and appliance, it has become easier for common people to be famous, especially the one who tried to stand under the spotlight at the cost of his or her own honor or reputation. However, I still believe that the true celebrity should be the one who is diligent and has insisted on his own dreams. Never give up no matter how difficult the problem they are facing is. Always be positive and optimistic, to influence people with his power and personal experience. |
雅思口语趋势和备考指导 | 从本季度5月份开始雅思口语考试的题库已经开始更新,而且新题的难度也在逐渐增加。即便是在正常情况下,6月中旬开始,也会有一些旧题从题库中被淘汰,并加入一些新题。所以,考生在备考的过程中,仅仅准备一些固定的话题是不够的,还要看一些具有共性的话题或者预测的话题。当然,最主要的是提高自身的口语水平,做到无论遇到什么样的题目,都能够从容应对。 对于一些经典的几乎是必考的话题,无论是Part I还是Part II, 都要反复练习,比如:工作、学习、家乡、兴趣爱好、书籍、电影、体育活动等,力求不失分、争高分。对于刚刚出现的新题或者预测的题目,也要仔细分析、认真思考整理回答问题的方法,思路和素材。如果有充裕的复习时间,反复多次训练也是很有帮助的。 为了应对各种可能出现的新话题,考生不仅要提高自己的语言能力,扩宽自己的知识面,还要提高自己分析问题的能力。比如,可以浏览BBC或者China daily等国内外英文网站,寻找最新的或者自己感兴趣的新闻或者故事,留心作者对于不同问题的看法和分析问题的角度。通过广泛的阅读,不但可以直接提高考生的阅读技巧和速度,还可以为考生的口语和作文提供素材,尤其是为口语考试的Part III中的问题提供可供参考的思路。 对于有时间和条件的考生,还可以和其他烤鸭们一起探讨一些话题,做头脑风暴练习,相互学习、相互启发,尤其是一些陌生题或者细节题。 |