本次考试考题精选范例解析以及技巧表达: | 1. 考场中要积极主动,坦白交代更多内容 考场中,可能处于紧张,或者不自信,很多烤鸭进入考场就好像进入了审讯室,任考官盘问。尤其是在第一部分,很多考生回答过于简短或者表面,甚至有的时候问一句,答一句,逼得考官继续追问why, 这会严重影响烤鸭们的分数。我们要主动的积极的坦白出更多的信息,避免考官问你更多复杂的问题。 Sample Question: How is the traffic in your country? 很多烤鸭们当下就会想到交通很发达很便利,路上有很多交通工具:The traffic in my country is very convenient. There are buses, taxies, airplanes or even the subway in China. 烤鸭们是不是该想一想,可能每个考生都会这么说,而且听起来很不现实,感觉中国交通只有好处,考官会觉得你在说谎不够坦白,所以他会继续提问Is there lots of traffic jam in your country? 这也是为什么很多烤鸭考完之后出来会说很悲剧,考官刨根问底问了很多问题以至于不记得什么了。 Sample Answer: Well, great changes have taken place in the traffic in China. There are more and more efficient means of transportation serving in cities, such as the subway, airplanes and air-conditioned buses. The life becomes much more convenient because of it. But as more and more people own private cars, we often get the traffic jam, especially in the rush hour, we can be stuck on the road for one or even more hours. 2. 化抽象为具体,从简单评论开始,寻找亮点 Sample Question What do you think about painting? 这样的问题足以让很多烤鸭们想要吐血而亡,尤其是没有准备的烤鸭,这个问题可以带来绝对杀伤力的伤害,因为抽象的问题让他们无从开口。但是我们要从简单开始说,它重不重要?它好不好呢?这是最简单的,好在什么地方?是否很珍贵?比如说大作家制作?看到油画感觉如何?很美,会不会让我放松呢?如果按照这样的逻辑,这题就不难回答了。 Sample Answer Well, in my perspective, painting is very meaning and important to us, especially some priceless ones from the most famous painters. It is the symbol of the artist style. Although I don’t have talent in it, I do like appreciating the beautiful paintings, I can just feel so relaxed as the color is very vivid. |
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 | 相信有看过笔者之前整理的口语考题回顾并且参加了本月雅思考试的烤鸭们应该会很窃喜,因为正如我之前所说,“在这里我还很想提醒接下来在6, 7月份要参加考试的烤鸭们,针对刚刚指出的疑问和推论,我个人认为我们还是要非常注意一下在去年这个时候非常热门的话题,比如说your favorite bird, your favorite flower, taking pictures, the birthday party you attended, work of art, museum, a piece of law 等等”。事实证明,本月28日雅思口语考试除了法律,以及鸟的话题没有出现,其他的都全部出现,尤其是照片以及生日派对。 另外,通过对5月到7月的雅思口语考题总结,我个人深刻的体会到了雅思口语考试的一个主流路线,似乎我们可以察觉到考官对于一些方向的问题非常感兴趣,可能很多烤鸭们觉得雅思口语考试话题多样,过于复杂,很难去着手充分准备,但我在这里想提醒大家的是,其实考官主要针对的话题可以分为如下: 1. 幸福感- 精神方面:A happiest person, something made you laugh, TV program, drawing, birthday, photographs, work of art, advertisement等等 物质方面:electronic product, the car, jewelry, clothes, furniture等等 2. 态度和洞察力:country/city, Adult/ children, men/women, Chinese/ western, government/ individual, present/past等等 这两点是雅思口语考试经久不衰的考点,烤鸭们在准备的时候应该结合这两点,带着相对清楚明朗的态度把话题按照笔者提出的两个方向准备,相信会有很大的帮助,希望所有的烤鸭们都能考出理想的分数。 |