本次考试考题精选范例解析: | 1. What is a typical Chinese wedding like? Analysis: 不少考生反映Part1中关于Wedding的问题很难回答,本题就是其中之一。这题不宜从细节入手,而应避重就轻,运用对比的方法,将传统中国婚礼和现代中国婚礼结合起来回答。 Sample Answer: Generally speaking, Chinese wedding is often held in a big restaurant or in the countryside. But with the coming of western culture, Chinese wedding becomes more and more international. Couples often go to church to get married. 2. What happens during the wedding? Analysis: 本题与上题相反,需要从细节入手,以描述过程为主。 Sample Answer: The couple show themselves in front of people in the wedding ceremony, and they will have a drink together and change the wedding rings. After that, they go to give a toast to everyone in the ceremony. At last, they will be sent into a wedding room, where they will be made fun of by their friends. 3. Are wedding important in China, and why? Analysis: 婚姻重要吗?答案是肯定的。但要解释清楚其中的原因,考生需要对婚姻进行深入的思考,以得出具有说服力的回答。 Sample Answer: I insist that wedding is very important inChina. To begin with, wedding is a symbol of love for the couple. In addition, wedding can help to pass down the family tradition. And finally, getting married means the couple can give birth to the next generation. So I think wedding is very important inChina. |
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 | 在九月的第一场考试中,Part1话题的变化不大,几乎与八月的话题一样。但Part2出现了很多新题,让不少考生十分为难。这些新题很有可能会成为今年下半年口语考试的主流,因此列出以供考生参考: 1. Describe a project you take part in with others 2. Describe a film about real people and events 3. Describe an unhappy shopping experience 4. Describe a way to relax 5. Describe a person you enjoy talking to 6. Describe an old photograph 7. Describe a new year present 8. Describe a peaceful place 9. Describe a popular place of interest 10. Describe a beautiful house or apartment you’ve visited 11. Describe a garden you visited 12. Describe a museum 13. Describe a plan (not related to study or work) you want to make in the future 14. Describe a city you traveled to 15. Describe a training session 16. Describe a teenager you are familiar with 17. Describe a wrong decision someone made 18. Describe a restaurant you often go to 19. Describe a song meant for you 20. Describe a friend you’ve just met 21. Describe an activity on the beach you like 22. Describe a type of dance you know 23. Describe a family member who influences you most 24. Describe an unusual job you think you can do in the future 建议考生将以上新话题与旧话题进行对比,发现其中的相似性,积累相关素材,并反复练习,提高流利度和思辨能力,更好地备战雅思口语。 |