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Reading Passage 3
Title: 娱乐措施
Question types: Heading, YES/NO/NOT GIVEN, sentence completion
文章内容回顾 娱乐设施怎样做到刺激最大化,用迪士尼乐园举例,并提到娱乐设施并不是越刺激越好,否则会让人恐惧或者feel sick。
英文原文阅读 Amusement parks and theme parks are terms for a group of entertainment attractions, rides, and other events in a location for the enjoyment of large numbers of people. An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, usually providing attractions meant to cater specifically to certain age groups, as well as some that are aimed towards all ages. Theme parks, a specific type of amusement park, are usually much more intricately themed to a certain subject or group of subjects than normal amusement parks.
Amusement parks evolved from European fairs and pleasure gardens, which were created for people's recreation. The oldest amusement park in the world is Bakken, north of Copenhagen, Denmark, which opened in 1583. In the United States, world's fairs and expositions were another influence on development of the amusement park industry. Amusement parks have a fixed location, as opposed to traveling funfairs and carnivals.
In common language, the terms "theme park" and "amusement park" are often synonymous. However, a "theme park" can be regarded as a distinct style of amusement park. A theme park has landscaping, buildings, and attractions that are based on one or more specific themes or stories. Despite many older parks adding themed rides and areas, qualifying the park as a theme park, the first park built with the original intension of promoting a specific theme, Santa Claus Land located in Santa Claus, Indiana, did not open until 1946. Disneyland, located in Anaheim, California, built around the concept of encapsulating multiple theme parks into a single amusement park is often mistakenly cited as the first themed amusement park, but is instead the park that made the idea popular.
题型难度分析 难度一般,后两种题型相对容易,第一种题型考察文章大意,相对较难。
题型技巧分析 本篇文章又出现了判断题,但是是YES/NO/NOT GIVEN, 这时考生需注意在填写答案的时候别写成了TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN。
1. 读题目要求,主要看字数要求,一般不超过三个或两个,一定要看清楚
2. 读题目,并划出关键词,关键词首先是特殊的比如人名地名时间数字等,如果没有这些词,那就划出名词
3. 对所填的空进行预测,预测所填空的词性,单复数情况
4. 根据划出的关键词去文中定位
5. 对定位部分进行分析,选出答案
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑8 Test1 Passage3