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Part 2&3考题总结


A person you want to talk to

A friend you haven't seen for a long time;

A famous person (in your country);

A happy person;

A happy couple;

a children's game you used to play when you were a child

the best gift you have received

a recent change in your life

a good parent you know

a library

an important plant in your country

someone who became your close friend after the first time you met each other

a garden

an experience when you were late

a film about real people or event

a neighbor of yours

a gift you have given to others

an occasion when you helped someone

a vehicle you want to buy

a wrong decision you have made

a cafe you often go to

an experience when you were late

a book you want to read again

a sporting event on TV

a perfect holiday

something you do to relax yourself

a meal you enjoyed the most

a team project you joined

a city or town you have visited

a person with an important job

a show or performance you enjoyed

a plan about your future

a crowded place you have been to

a useful website

a science class you enjoyed in your primary school

a movie or book about the future

a meaningful song




1)物品题A movie or book about the future是之前考过的a foreign movie的变种卡。大部分描述未来的电影都是美国大片,大家可以提前准备一些自己熟知的电影。同时要积累电影相关词汇,如science-fiction movie科幻片,Hollywood blockbuster(好莱坞大片)等。

2)A person who has an important job. 此话题大家可以主要从teacher, policemen, doctor等职业入手描述,当然如果大家描述farmers也可以,这样显得话题独特。