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考试日期 2013年7月27日
总体评析 Ø  两旧:Section 1&2
Ø  两新:Section 3&4
重点关注 Ø  Section 1中考察对于人名、地名的拼写以及数字;
Ø  Section 3出现较多动物类特征的相关词汇
Ø  Section 4出现building的功能介绍,需积累相关词汇可参照C4T3S4
Section 1 版本号 场景 题型
V09144 S1 Enquiry Multiple Choice / Completion
一句话简介 咨询主办方跑步报名信息
详细回忆 1-5选择题:
1. 参加这次race的特点?选:C. over 200m
2. 是否可以报名?
选:B. have to wait for an opportunity(原文说要等人cancel位置才能报名)
3. tent的特点?选:A. tent will be protected
4. 需要选手准备的?选:C. snake-bite kit
5. 对参赛选手有哪些限制?选:C. regulate the amount of what they eat
6. Last name: John
7. Phone number: 0479883591
8. Nationality: British
9. Email address: healthcare
10. 比赛信息来源:advertisement
重点词汇及扩展 我们注意到Section 1中考察传统的人名和电话号码,可适当补充一些长数字练习,拼写答案时注意人名和国籍都应首字母大写。
Section 2 版本号 场景 题型
V09101 S2 Advertisement Completion
一句话简介 一个商场的介绍
详细回忆 11-20填空题:
11. 这个商场有90 shops including 2 department stores
12. 停车位:800(有多少停车位,1100是总共的,800是带cover的,所以填800)
13. public transport(有吞音)
14. Tuesday to Saturday
15. beach
16. Dance show
17. teenagers
18. lost children(有吞音)
下面是一个关于商场kids club的介绍,如果加入会得到
19. wallet
20. discount
重点词汇及扩展 可补充有关商场的词汇,如:layout / recreation centre / counter / discount / coupon / special offer / bargain
连读:for example / cup of / bus station
Section 3 版本号 场景 题型
New Academic study Multiple Choice / Matching
一句话简介 一种已灭绝的野生鸟(moa)
详细回忆 21-26选择题:
21. one similar thing the moa is with dinosaur(选A)
A both are of interest to the public
B both are extinct at similar time
C both left lot Fossils remains
22 what is the difference between moa and other birds(选A)
A no wing bones                    B tail              C has a smaller head
23. the special feature of their chicks(选C)
A never return to the nests
B most die at two months
C can find food by themselves
24. 老师对雄性负责孵蛋的反应(选B)
A trouble to think        B maybe              C certainty to think
25. 有人在新西兰又看到这种鸟,学生对此的态度(选C)
A surprised          B worried             C amused
26. The reason why the Moa was extinct(选B)
A climate change
B human interference
C other animals competition
27-30 Matching题,各种恐鸟的特征:
A. female tallest          B. few fossil remains          C. largest egg
D. fed in night             E. more vocal                     F. poor sight
27. A. female tallest
28. B. few fossil remains
29. D. fed in night
30. E. more vocal
重点词汇及扩展 可补充有关动物的词汇
如migration / falcon / feather / breeding / species / vegetation / kangaroo / koala
Section 4 版本号 场景 题型
New Building design Completion
一句话简介 介绍世界各地学校新型建筑的特色和功能
详细回忆 31-40填空题:
31. village
32. factory
33. kitchen
34. wood
35. view
36. social
37. flexible
38. light
39. grass
40. water
重点词汇及扩展 可参考C4 T3 S4分析学校新建building的选址和功能。