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  阅读预测 阅读考不好主要是三大原因:1.词汇量太少;2.阅读输入量少;3.雅思阅读文章特点和解题技巧没掌握。雅思阅读出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,雅思阅读提高做题速度和命中率的捷径是:a.剑桥1-6真题中同义替换词和考点词的掌握 b. 雅思阅读文章特点和解题技巧掌握。我博客里面收集了剑桥1-6考点同义替换词,还有一篇文章“雅思文章剖析和解题策略”,在雅思阅读栏目里面,建议去过关记忆消化,非常实用。虽然考生经常在阅读方面叫难,但是阅读考出来的成绩往往却是各项中最好的,所以大家要有信心,一方面要加大阅读量,另外一方面加强剑桥雅思文章的熟悉和解题技巧的熟练掌握,坚持每天精读一篇,泛读或做一套的习惯,同时在做完题目后要进行专项总结和归纳,加强考点单词,替换词和好词句的积累。不管考试难易,评分标准是弹性的和公平的,假如阅读难考,那么可能做对23个是6分,假如阅读简单,那么做对25个才得6分,所以考生要有良好的心理素质,尽力而为。因为11.8/11.15/11.20阅读考试难度较大,所以12.4/6/13阅读难度适中或简单。不管难易,大家机会均等,考试成绩不一定会比较低或高,大家要做好充分的准备,加大阅读量的输入。12.20阅读应该适当增加点难度,重点题型应该是summary,选择题,List of headings ,T/F/NG,match 。建议大家把剑桥4-6(有时间的同学剑桥1-6)上面提到的重点题型集中在一起专项复习。考前做题一定要掐时间,把阅读速度和质量进行磨合(雅思考试中阅读和写作经常有相当一部分考生没做完),可以使用叶毅斌老师课堂讲过的平行做题法,平行读透和归纳关键词一样的题目,有目的地阅读,重点精读跟题目有关的句子段落,以此来保证做题质量和速度。在平常的阅读训练中培养课堂强调的雅思阅读三大品-confidence, carefulness, patience。同时参考复习课堂讲义中的题型解题技巧,注意出题特点--同义转达,句型替换,语法替换和考点不考面的规律。坚持句子对句子,词对词,点对点的做题方法,保证每个题目的证据定位;精读对照并验证题目和原文的替换和转化。我博客里面写了一篇文章---雅思阅读捷径-文章剖析和解题策略,在雅思阅读栏目,大家可以去看。大家要坚持每天精读一篇剑桥(剑桥4-6)+做题(剑桥5-6)+每天坚持读英语报刊杂志网站www.bbc.com,www.VOA.com,国际先驱导报等科技,经济等新闻(博客内有推荐提高雅思阅读的英文网站),现在考试的三篇文章都是这样的题材。事实证明,经常阅读英文网站报刊,到大海中游泳的人,到了雅思这种池塘考试就会觉得很轻松。很多阅读高分学生的有这样的体会:考试的三篇文章很面熟,在平时每天阅览的英文网站报刊看过。年底的阅读也可以看雅思阅读真经3-2,因为旧文章多。基础词汇主要是掌握剑桥1-6题目中的同义替换词,一词多义,考点词,同时要重视加强常见单词的听写,以防听力的填空和写作中单词拼写出问题。
  写作预测 旧题目为主,或是旧题改造。消费环保,动物保护,经济生活,文化艺术,语言,社会福利,网络等话题应该会成为考试的重点话题,要求同学们多准备这方面的词汇和句型。小作文大家还要准备那些常见的图形题目:柱状图,数据图,饼图,流程图,地图等,各准备一篇,博客里面也有范文。流程图机率不大,就是考到也会是比较简单的。作文题目一定要看仔细了,审题要很注意。经常发现考试时考生作文题目看错,看不懂,或单词误解,造成离题,偏题现象,比如8月9日考试时,A类大作文是In some countries ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas ,do you think advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages. Give reasons for you answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences。有的考生就把regional areas看成religious areas,有的考生都不知道outweigh的意思。12.6大作文是Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning机械学习,死记硬背) plays a role in the most education systems. Do you think the usefulness of this method of learning outweigh the any limitations?很多考生题目理解有难度,出现离题现象。所以建议考生在考前要写至少十篇大作文和5篇小作文,请人批改,再读范文提高。预测里面的作文就是近期的重点,最好都准备下。只有完成这个指标,才能形成自己的一套写法,才有自己一整套的句子表达,才能应万变,考试时作文才能按时间写完。偷工减料的同学考试就会知道苦头了。12月16日环球预测课我还会把我预测的作文范文给出,同时也会给出最重要和困难口语话题的范文。预测课上完(12.16晚上22:00)我也会投放在博客上的,敬请光临。
  1. Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give your reason.
  2. some people support development in agriculture such as factory farming and new types of fruit and vegetable。others oppose the development。
  3. Many people complain about workplace pressure. What can employers do to reduce the stress? What can the employees themselves do? Give your opinions by referring to your own experience.
  4. Some people say that earlier technologies change our life more than recent technologies. to what extent do you agree or disagree?
  5. In many countries, more and more young people are losing jobs or unable to find jobs . What problems do you think unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.
  6. Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them.
  7.Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  8. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer.
  9. Some people believe that the spread of TV has made families less closer. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
  10. Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests?
  11. In many countries television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  12.Should experiments be conducted on animals for the benefit of human beings?#should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.