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雅思口语话题素材之a perfect vacation


  "How are things back at the office?" one of the gentlemen in my bicycletour group asked me as we were nearing the end of another lengthy ride throughCroatia's scenic countryside.


  "I assume they are going fine," I said. "I haven't had any contact and Idon't plan to."

  “我猜一切正常,” 我说。“我没和办公室的人联系,也没打算联系。”

  "Your phone isn't on?" he asked, incredulously. "You haven't checked youremail?"

  “你的手机没开?” 他怀疑地问。“你没查过你的电子邮件?”

  "My phone is off and no, I'm not planning on checking email," I said.

  “我的手机关机了,是的,我不打算查看邮件,” 我说。

  My wife Heidi and I took my children, Daniel and Rachel, on a two-week tripto Croatia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We made the choiceto spend some of our money on this wonderful experience so we could spend timebonding with each other and the kids.


  Why would I diminish the environment we had traveled thousands of miles tocreate by bringing my work environment into it? That would be counter-productiveto everything I wanted out of this trip. If I worked during this experience, Iwould be taking time away from my family and sending them the message that worktakes priority over them.
