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  You are in great shape.你身体素质真好。

  Baseball is my favorite sport. What’s your favorite?

  My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

  When you played football, what position did you play?

  We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six.

  I went to a boxing match last night. It was a good fight.

  When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile.

  I like fishing and hunting, but I don't like swimming.

  My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club.

  Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?

  The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser.

  Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.

  Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent.

  This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. We lifted weights.

  My muscles are sore from playing baseball.

  Jogging early in the morning has improved her health.


  He was catching his breath after the 1000 meter race.


  I’ve had no exercise for ages;I’m really out of condition.


  Swimming is the best way to tone up your body.


  He has few peers in pennies.


  I like playing basketball and badminton.


  Did you watch the football game between Manchester United and Arsenal lastnight?


  The Sidney Olympics attracted more than one million new travelers intoAustralia.


  He is a big fan of the NBA games.


  African athletes are good at track and field events.


  The annual school sports meet is held in March.



  I’ve been cooped up in the house for the whole week.


  Let’s get out for some fresh air.


  I feel I have to get away from it all.

  Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercisemachine.上下楼梯可比什么健身器都要好。

  狂欢 painting the town red.

  I've got to start working out. 我必须开始做健身运动了。

  She runs everyday in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是为了减肥。

  Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hardday’s work.


  People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physicalexercises, but also make many friends who have the similar interests. When Iattended a basketball club, I knew my current best friends, Tom.