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  What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?



  By participating in extracurricular activities, a person can expand his orher social circle. If you play basketball, you can meet people of other gradesfrom other majors and you can become friends on and off court. So theseafter-class activities really help us to know more people.

  If you are an activity organizer, you can develop many skills and abilitiesthat you can never learn in a classroom. These techniques include publicspeaking ability, people skills, and organizational skills. These skills willcontinue to be beneficial to you after you graduate.

  College is a place where we meet life, both academically and leisurely.Extracurricular activities show us possibilities of entertainment. And if youparticipate in these activities, you can find a life-long hobby that you canenjoy for the rest of your life. I fell in love with basketball when I was incollege, and it has been a constant pleasure in my spare time.

  In a sense, doing extracurricular activities can change your personality.Maybe you’re an introvert person, and now you’re extrovert. We say personalitydecides your fate. See? Do you still deny that extracurricular activities playan positively important role in education? (193 words)