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  Tips for Answering this Cue card Question:

  You can talk about anything you learned from one of your family members. Itcan be a morality like and a good quality like: honesty, truthfulness,capability of being strong in the time of distress, bravery, ability to protestagain bad things, well manner etc. If you talk about such a morality or goodquality, emphasize the person from whom you learned this. Give one or twoexample when you find this family member has shown this quality and you wereimpressed. Also mention some of the events when this morality or good qualitythat you learned became very useful for you.

  For the question “Have you taught it to someone later”, you should notdirectly say you have taught it to someone as those moralities and good qualitycan’t be directly taught to someone. Rather you should say that, one of yourfriends, neighbors, younger family members has been influenced by this qualityand you later found that s/he has also acquired this morality/ good quality.

  Again, you can talk about a practical skill you learned from one of yourfamily members like: cooking, electric work, wood work, computer, singing,dancing, handicraft, driving, playing a musical instrument etc. Describing sucha practical skill would be comparatively easy as you would be very easily answerthe questions of the cue cards.

  If you can answer this cue card, you should also be able to answer thefollowing cue cards:

  1. Describe something you learned from others.

  2. Describe a practical skill you have.

  3. Describe a good quality you admire.

  4. Describe something learn worthy from your one of your familymembers.

  5. Describe a quality or skill you have.

  6. Describe a skill you taught to someone.

  7. Describe a good quality you admire in your friends.

  8. Describe a family member you really admire.


  I have been grown-up in a joint family with more than 12 family members.They were my parents, siblings, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt and cousins. I hadthe chance to learn so many things from them and it is in fact natural that akid would learn things from his/her family members. I have learned swimming frommy uncle, learned paining from my aunt, learned to play chess from my grandpa,learned to play cricket and badminton from my brother and so on and on.

  I have learned how to handle the stress and adverse time from my parentsand learned how to behave with unknown people from my elder cousin. Thus thelist would be a very long one. But I would like to emphasize the thing that Ilearned from my younger aunt and that is the reading habit and the pleasure ofreading. Not that other things I learned from other family members are of lessimportance, but the reading for please and true interest of reading that Ilearned from my aunt is different and have a great power.

  I found my aunt very charming, caring and possesses a great personality.She had been a voracious reader and because of that she was more learned andwise than people of her age. Initially I thought that how come she spend most ofher time reading? Over the time I became close to her, and she started helpingme with my studies. She started inspiring me to read books other than myacademic books. She read me stories and that help me grow an interest towardsbooks. Then she started telling me amazing stories of our history and showed mewhich books actually have those histories written.

  She shared the stories she were reading and thus we started becoming goodcritic of stories and writers. She told me more stories that I have heard fromanyone else. I am grateful to her that she so painstakingly explained differenttopics and help me grow a good interest on reading. Because of her contributionI have started reading books of different types whenever I got time which Ithink is a better investment and activity than spending time idly.

  Later I have inspired my nephew to read book. I did the same; I read himstories which would be interesting to him and gave him sweets, candies,ice-cream if he could have finished a book and explain the stories. I guess hehas become interested in reading as well.