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雅思口语part1全解析-- shopping


  雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天和谐英语雅思小编为大家整理雅思口语part1 中常见的题目和答题方法。希望同学们有所学习


  Online shopping/ E-shopping/ Cable-shopping网上购物

  Shop freak/ shopaholic 购物狂

  Window shopping 看橱窗

  Fancy (adj.) 昂贵的,精选的

  High street fashion 高街时尚,品牌

  High street 繁华的商业大街

  Chic/ stylish 时尚的

  Be snapped in/ follow the latest trends 紧跟时尚最前沿

  Designer brand 大牌设计、设计师品牌


  Department store 百货商场

  Grocery 食品杂货店

  Drugstore/ Pharmacy 药房、药妆店

  Shopping mall/ shopping centre 销品茂/ 购物中心

  Supermarket: Carrefour, Wal-Mart, IKEA

  Retail shop 零售店

  Outlets 打折村、奥特莱斯

  Boutique 精品店、专卖流行衣服的小商店

  Convenience store (CVS) 便利店: 7-11, family mart

  1.Do you like shopping?



  I’m a shop freak.

  I’m totally a shopaholic.

  I’m really keen on/ crazy about shopping.

  I take it as my hobby, whenever I got some time off, I’d like to go shopping.

  I’m afraid I can’t live without shopping. I feel as if addicted to it.

  Shopping can release my pressure.

  Girls like wandering around.

  Browse whatever on sale, try everything on...

  I like window-shopping. I really like the experience of shopping.


  Shopping is very time-consuming.

  Frankly speaking, I hate it, it is so tiring, I can never understand why some ladies keep going shopping, especially those who just keep going without buying anything.

  For men, home delivery is ideal.

  2. Is there anything you don’t like about shopping?

  Yes, I don't like shopping when there are crowds of people. Usually when the sales are on, it can be a good time to shop because there're sales but it also draws a lot of people and everybody's pushing and trying to get the clothes they want that are on special. Yeah, I don't like that.

  3. Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?

  Alone: I like shopping alone because I don’t want their opinion to bother me about which to buy. Also, I think going shopping alone can save me a lot of time cuz we always slow down when intimate friend go out together. We will do lots of things else.

  With others: I like shopping with my friends because they can help me make a decision when I can’t decide which color to choose. Also, I really enjoy shopping with friends when we share our happiness and sorrows. When talking with them, I always feel relaxed. It’s also a good way to strength our relationship.

  4. What type of shop do you prefer to go to?

  I prefer going to department store cuz I can get all the things I need at the same time and at the same place. I don’t want to bother going to different places just for a coat or something else. I want to save time to do something more useful such as finishing the assignment or doing reading.

  5. Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet?

  It depends. I always shop for books on line as it saves me lots of time and money. Sometimes I shop for overcoat on the internet because I know which size to buy. However, I never shop for underclothes or shoes on the Internet because I need to touch it to test whether it’s comfortable and easy to wear.

  6. What are some differences between men and women and shopping?

  Men are usu. more goal-directed in shopping as men usually go directly to what they want to buy and make a decision when they compare 2-3 sellers. In contrast, women are never tired of comparing. Sometimes, women spend the whole afternoon being a window shopper buying nothing. Also, men care less about money than women. Different from men, women tend to like bargaining.