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  Describe a person who taught you something.

  You should say:

  who the person was

  where you met him or her

  what this person taught you

  and explain how you felt about what he or she taught you

  I would like to talk about my teacher, Mrs. Bolger. She was my English teacher when I was in university. Well, my foreign English teacher. She was about 50 years old, tall and always very well-dressed. She was an eccentric woman actually, with many interesting perspectives and opinions. I first met her in university, of course, when she was introduced to us by the head of the English department. This was about 4 or 5 years ago now. I enjoyed what she taught us, she taught us a lot of English and American literature – which I must say I enjoyed very much. She had a really interesting way of analyzing literature actually. I find it gave me new insights into life, people, their emotions and their feelings. It was quite meaningful and she always taught us with a certain passion and enthusiasm that the other teachers lacked. I wish that more teachers were like this because it’s a lot easier to learn about a subject, especially in a second language, if the teacher has a passion, love and enthusiasm for the subject.


  1. What are the qualities that a good teacher must have?

  A good teacher should be, in my opinion, enthusiastic, patient but firm, and have a good sense of humour. Naturally, a teacher should have a good knowledge of their subject, but more importantly I think a teacher should be good at explaining things in an interesting and engaging way that encourages the students to think and develop good thinking skills.

  2. When should children start to receive education?

  Children usually start going to go to kindergarten at 3 years old in China. And although they don’t really learn that much, this is really the start of their educational life. I think it’s the same in most countries. Then at 6 years old they go to primary school.

  3. What are the differences between the old and the young in accepting new ideas?

  Young people are usually more open-minded about accepting new ideas. Generally, this is true. Older people get set in their ways, are less flexible about new ideas, new foods, new ways of doing things, and so forth. It’s pretty normal. It’s almost always the case. However, there are some older people who are more easy-going and accepting, because maybe they become relaxed in their old age and more wise and understanding about things. So, there are always some exceptions to the rule.

  4. Do you prefer to study by yourself or with your friends?

  I actually prefer to study alone. I don’t really like to study with others because everyone studies at their own pace and has different strengths and weaknesses. This means you can waste a lot of time if you study with others – also there are always some people that cannot stop chatting, or gossiping or simply not staying focused on the topic at hand, and this is just a massive distraction. So, in general I prefer to do most of my studying alone. Maybe occasionally it’s nice to sit and have a coffee with fellow students and discuss certain aspects of our studies, for sure, but actual studying, for me, is best done alone.