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  Describe a person in your family that you admire.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  What he or she does

  What he or she is like

  And explain why you admire him or her

  Someone I really admire is my little sister. She’s about 10 years old - 5 years younger than me, and she’s really smart for her age. She’s really talkative, very astute and insightful and she’s really interested in all sorts of things and curious about life. She goes to school like all children of her age, and she’s good at her studies but much more creative than most pupils. She’s not particularly interested in sports. She’s more of a creative person. She enjoys watching quite a lot of adult films – you know, movies that are actually way beyond most children of her age – so she has a deeper understanding of people and human nature than most girls of her age. She’s also very kind and understanding. I think I admire her because I like people who can think and understand other people’s feelings. Some children can be really selfish and spoilt, and she’s certainly not that type of person at all. I recall one occasion when my dog died, she was really comforting and although she was upset herself, she knew I was the closest one in the family to the dog, and she showed a lot of empathy and sympathy about the fact that I was really upset, and even made me a card and a small gift to try to comfort me. She’s considerate like this. I really admire her.

  Part 3

  1. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?

  Well, I am not sure really. I think today things have changed a bit compared to the past and there is certainly a greater equality between the genders. I think that nowadays, especially in situations when both husband and wife are working, the roles are more interchangeable than in the old days when the man was out at work and the woman was looking after the home. I think the roles within the family should be decided by the individual circumstances as well as the personalities and strengths and weaknesses of each person in the couple.

  2. What conflicts can arise between a person's family and a person's friends?

  That’s a curious question… well, people sometimes clash because of a difference in personality or a difference in values and priorities. Sometimes people’s friends give different advice than family. I mean, as an example, if you have a fairly traditional and older family, they are inevitably going to have different views on relationships, marriage, work, responsibilities, money and so on, compared to younger friends.

  3. What responsibilities do parents have towards their children?

  Parents have both practical and emotional responsibilities to their children. Obviously, they have to look after them and cater for their basic needs, but also they must give them love, care, and bring them up to have positive values and behave in a respectable and polite way in society as well.