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2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析:New Year


  雅思口语考试又迎来了换题季,相信你一定非常期待,有哪些新题更新进来呢?今天小编给大家整理了2021年1-4月雅思口语part1新题解析:New Year,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语考试,一起来看看吧!

  New Year


  本题属于新题首次出现。毕竟元旦刚刚过去,New Year这个话题的出现还是很应景的。话题难度不高,庆祝新年的经历大家都会有过。当然,由于疫情的影响,可能会有很多考生对今年的新年庆祝活动不再关注,这些真实感受也是可以表达出来的,很有可能会获得考官的共鸣。

  1. How do you usually celebrate the New Year?

  I don’t really celebrate the new year really. At least not the 1st of January New Year. A lot of people celebrate it by going out to parties and things like this, but I am not so into it. I don’t feel a strong emotion towards the new year really. The Chinese New Year, of course, I do, because that has been our tradition all my life. But the calendar new year, I’m sort of indifferent about it really.

  feel a strong emotion towards:对某事物没有很高的热情

  the calendar new year:这个指的就是每年的1月1日,并不是中国传统的农历新年。


  2. Is New Year celebration important to you?

  As I mentioned earlier, not especially. I’ve attended some parties with friends, and perhaps a new year dinner and drinks, but in all honesty, I’m not really bothered about it. I don’t feel a strong emotion regarding the new year. Although sometimes if it has been a bad year, it’s a time to welcome in some new positivity and make resolutions for the coming year!

  make resolutions:make a new year resolution想必是很多人会做的一件事——规划新年目标,表露新年愿望。

  3. Can you briefly describe your most unforgettable experience about the celebration of the New Year?

  The new year that I enjoyed the most was a party with my colleagues at university. I remember it really well because about 20 of us went to a big, nice restaurant near campus, then a KTV afterwards. It was incredibly fun and a good mix of people, boys and girls, and quite extrovert and amusing people too. We really let our hair down, sang a lot and chatted a lot. It was great.

  let our hair down:放松,不拘礼节

  4. Why do some people believe that New Year is a new start?

  Well, it’s been traditional all over the world that a new year is a symbol of a new start, and people often try to put the past behind them, at least the negative things about the past, and welcome in new resolutions and goals. People can find this motivating.