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2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析:Plants




  本题属于经典旧题回库,关于plants的相关话题在近两年的考试中是反复出现。同学们需要保持一个熟悉度。plants/trees话题本身难度并不大,但是可能很多同学会对描述种植过程感到头疼。Model answer中给我们列出了相关表达。

  1. Have you ever planted trees?

  Actually, no. I’ve never planted a tree myself. But I’ve seen and helped people plant trees. My uncle planted a tree on his balcony in a large pot, and I helped pack the soil around the roots of the tree and water it. That was a long time ago, though!


  pack the soil around the roots of the tree and water it:可以理解为:把根部周围的土填满土然后再浇水

  2. Where did you plant trees?

  As I said before, it was on my uncle’s balcony. Come to think of it, I’ve helped my mother too – she planted a number of plants which I guess you could call ‘trees’ because they were quite large and had branches and leaves. That was also in the balcony, where we very often have plants and small trees.

  3. Do you like plants?

  Yeah, I have lots of leafy green plants at home because they promote health and well-being. I mean they help me with stress and anxiety. Also, it's so cool to plant something in the ground, fertilize, water, and take care of it while watching it grow and bloom.

  leafy green plants:用来指那种绿叶很多的绿色植物

  help me with stress and anxiety:帮我舒缓压力



  4. Do you keep plants at home?

  Yes, I like plants. My home is quite small so I have small house plants that come into flower about once or twice a year. I live quite near to a flower market so I enjoy occasionally going to buy a nice pot plant for my kitchen window or balcony.

  come into flower:开花(和上文的bloom可以替换)

  5. Do you know anything about growing a plant?

  I know a little about growing plants. In school we used to plant seeds and water them and watch them grow – I really found this very exciting when I was a child. You know, planting the seeds, watching them sprout, and the nurturing them by watering them and putting them in the sunshine.


  put them in the sunshine:要注意这里的动词和介词使用,把植物放在阳光底下。